Portraits by Anna Hejnar

Luke Rayner



Hi my name is Luke. I am an animator living in the UK. After studying Art and Media at school i went on to do a foundation course at Bedford College. This was when i started to animate. I then went on to the Surrey Institute of Art and Design to do an Animation degree. A special thanks to Sam Morrison and Lesley Adams, and everyone else i have met along the way.

When i was at Surrey i was first influenced and inspired by Sarah Cox's 'Three Ways To Go'. George Dunning's 'The Flying Man', had strongly influenced one of my films and ideas at Surrey also.

My main aim is to make simple images using basic but memorable, and dynamic shapes that create some kind of movement. The figurative forms were inspired from the sculptures I had seen at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park when I was younger. Most of the way I draw was formed at my time at the Surrey Institute of Art and Design. Currently I both paint, draw and animate, with some cross over between these forms.

I always was interested in just the basic movement of things, and how I have been hypnotized by this. An image that does not necessarily tell a story, but more of a feeling and emotion. I have been looking for a way to emote, and find a direct passage to translating my pictures into this. At this current time I am working on turning some of my painting ideas into animation. I was once asked in an interview if people see things the way I do. I said I did not know, but I hoped that they did as it would mean I was not alone in my thoughts. I am no different from anyone else, and I'm sure I dream of the same things.